Natural Vs. Artificial Grass in Portland Oregon: Which One’s Tougher?

artificial grass durable

Grass is a great addition to any landscape. It adds beauty and character, as well as provides an area for playing or relaxing outdoors. However, it just takes so much work to maintain. Owning a natural lawn means having to mow, water, fertilize and weed — and you can never stop, unless you want a brown, patchy mess on your hands.

Artificial grass in Portland Oregon is a great option for those who don’t have the time to spend on lawn care or are looking for more durability and functionality out of their lawn space.

In fact, durability is one of the main reasons homeowners are choosing artificial grass over natural lawns and here’s why:

1. Foot traffic won’t ruin synthetic turf.

Artificial grass in Portland Oregon can withstand a much heavier traffic load than grass lawns and still looks great when compared to natural turf. In fact, artificial turf is so durable that it can handle being walked on, played on, lounged on and more. In contrast, stepping on real grass can break the blades and even kill the grass.

While high levels of foot traffic and activity won’t damage synthetic turf, it can eventually flatten it, but that’s nothing a good brushing will fix!

2. Dogs won’t be able to damage artificial grass.

Dogs can do a lot of damage to grass lawns because they dig, chew and mark their territory. In addition, dogs can oftentimes destroy a natural lawn just by running and playing on it because they’re high-energy pets that need space to run around.

They also leave behind urine and feces stains that are hard to clean up without killing the lawn in the process. Specifically, urine can burn natural turf, but artificial turf is resistant to chemicals like these so it will stay green no matter what your pup does on a daily basis.

With artificial turf, your dogs can run and play to their heart’s content and you can still look forward to a beautiful yard with no holes, urine stains or dead spots.

P.S. Taking your first dog home? Here’s why you should talk to a synthetic grass expert in Portland first.

3. Weeds and insects are no problem for a synthetic lawn.

Natural lawns are susceptible to weed infestation and pest damage because they’re made of organic material.

Since the blades in artificial grass contain no food source, weeds can’t grow in them, nor can any bugs or pests survive on a synthetic lawn for long. This means you won’t have to worry about pulling weeds out of your yard, spraying chemicals to kill insects or using pesticide sprays.

Stop Worrying About Lawn Damage with Artificial Grass

It’s easy to see why many homeowners are choosing artificial grass over natural lawns. Artificial turf is not only more durable and less work-intensive, but it has the added benefits of being resistant to chemicals, pests, weeds, pets and foot traffic.

If you’re considering artificial turf or a putting green in Portland, contact Portland Artificial Grass today. You may call us at 971-290-5078 or use this form if you’d rather send a message.

We can help you get started – whether that’s answering your questions about synthetic turf or providing a free project estimate!

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